How to order

Ordering meals could not be easier.
- You can order your meals from our menu by phone or via our website using our Contact page (please leave your contact name and address and day time telephone number and mobile number )
- If you're ordering for a relative or friend please also pass on your daily contact numbers.
- Please Place all orders with at least 24 hours notice.
- We can provide a 7 meal a week service.
- We can also serve meals when delivered on request at no extra charge.
- We ask for a minimum order of 4 meals per person in any one week. If you're ordering 4 meals or more a week , on a regular basis, then please place your order on a Friday morning (midday latest). Either by phone , or via our website using our Contact page.
- If you place an order via our website you will receive a confirmation email shortly after doing so.
- Meals and teas are delivered over a lunch time period.
- Payment will be required on or before the first day of delivery. As well as cash and cheques you can also set up a Standing order or bank transfer. Just ask for our bank details when placing your order.
Please check area/availability when making your enquiry. Many thanks.